Using Promotional Merchandise at Trade Shows and Conventions

Promotional merchandise is a great way to get your company recognized. Sometimes given away as gift-with-purchases, these items are also handed out by vendors at many trade shows and conventions, as a way of thanking visitors for stopping by your company’s booth. In addition to handing out a business card, after a potential customer has had personal contact, handing out a promotional product not only advertises your business’ name and company’s information but also leaves a lasting impression with that person. The potential customer will associate the positive interaction he or she received each time the promotional product … Read more at Free Business Cards

Entrepenurial Insights: Change of Mindset

Being an entrepreneur is very tough because in order to be one, you have to completely change your mindset. Everything you knew before in the workplace goes right out the window. People with employee mindsets usually stay employees but those with winning mindsets will be able to be something more. But the process is hard because the majority of people don’t do it. You have to stand against the crowd when you become an entrepreneur. If you don’t find like minded people to discuss and hang around with, you will likely be lonely and go right back to old habits.… Read more at Free Business Cards