Using Process Improvement Tools In The Business Development Process

In a tough economy like today and a market that is full of competition, businesses are always looking out for things to do to improve the bottom line while at the same time giving quality service. Process improvement tools found in Six Sigma methodology are used by all sized companies and in all industries to solve these problems.

Six Sigma Thrives For Improvement

Six Sigma is a piece of a business development process that finds opportunities for improvement and solutions based on analyzing data. This takes the toughness out of finding solutions which means that change is more likely to … Read more at Free Business Cards

Network Marketing Opportunities through the Internet

The business of selling goods online has grown exponentially over the last few years and thanks to free search traffic many small companies and home based businesses are being discovered from customers from far and wide.  It is important to realize however that simply because you put up a website doesn’t necessarily mean its enough to entice your customers to come to your site, unless you have a truly remarkable business model or unique product.  Any businesses that has created a wonderful fully functioning website and spent hours tweaking the look and functionality, pouring blood sweat and tears into developing … Read more at Free Business Cards