Times are tough, and sadly, many businesses are having difficulty covering even the most basic costs, not to mention keeping a decent advertising budget. It’s critical to watch every penny, and use your money wisely for your business type. For example, if you are a business with walk-ins, it’s especially important to be visible to the traffic in your area.
Advertising flags and teardrop banners are fairly new to the sign industry and can be eye-catching ways to get noticed. They’re not cheap, but can be very worth the investment. They’re durable, lightweight, and easy to set up. Don’t be fooled by a ridiculously low price. These fabrics need to be super sturdy, and the poles should be fiberglass so it’s flexible. Ask the manufacturer for their warranty policy. Also, make sure you get all the pieces needed for installation, including directions. You can order flags custom for your business or get them with common type on them, such as “SALE” “WELCOME”, etc. Your custom message or logo can be more effective. Have a graphic designer prepare your logo and work with the flag manufacturer.
When designing your flags, keep in mind that people are most likely driving past your business and don’t have time to read a detailed message. Bright colors, simple wording, and good location are what you need to drive business to your shop. Once they get there, remember it’s important to live up to the expectations you have set for the client. You’ve brought them there, now you have to follow through with a great offer and close the deal.
Before you order, check your local laws for detailed rules about teardrop banners, promotional flags, and advertising banners and flags. There are often restrictions on the amount of time you can display the flags, the size of the banner and pole, the distance from the street, etc. Some areas may require permits to display your flags. Keep track of the number of walk-ins that arrive because they saw your flag. This will help your business’s advertising plan in the future.
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Promote your business using Advertising Banners and Flags by Steve
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