Leadership For Results: The Balanced Scorecard Concept

We often hear about scorecards in sporting events and competitions but do you know that they are widely used even business? Over the years, the strategic planning and management system concept dubbed as the balanced scorecard has been embraced by a good number of companies. Organizations in the field of industry and business – and even government and non profit ones – have come to benefit from this unique concept. However, not too many of us quite understand this strategic planning and management system concept. And what many of us do not quite get is how this concept contributes … Read more at Free Business Cards

Scorecards: Keep One And Achieve An Increase In Profitability

Japanese looks at business as war; but Americans prefer to look at it as sports. In both cases, the objective is to win.

In this sense, Americans, contrary to their global image of ruthless aggressiveness, are not inclined to draw or shed blood over the prospect of a fine bottom line. I think this goes with other businessmen wherever part of the world they reside.

They don’t want a gladiatorial match to enjoy the sight of maimed, lifeless bodies being dragged out of the coliseum. Businessmen, though, enjoy monitoring the score of a competition and, preferably, a spectacularly bountiful victory … Read more at Free Business Cards