Are You Trying To Come Up With A Creative Business Name?

Starting a new business can be one of the most exciting times of your life. Most people who are starting on this adventure already have in a mind a name for the business. It’s one of the first things that individuals think of and usually gets the person very excited to speak about the new business endeavor on the whole. However what if you have the idea for what service and/or product you want to provide, but you’re totally stuck when it comes to creative business names? Well this is something that needs lots of serious thought. Think of the names: “Nike”, “Coca-Cola” and “Microsoft”; these names are known around the world and are very creative as well.

You can be sure that the creative names for the companies listed above were well thought out and there’s probably even a story on each of their websites that outlines what the name means and the process of the person(s) who came up with it. That being said, if you are dealing with brain freeze; do a brain storm! Get a group of business savvy family members and friends and let them know your ideas for products and services and you’re sure to get some catchy and creative business names from this meeting. You might be surprised at how quickly those in your brainstorming group, who aren’t stressed about starting a business like you are, can come up with a creative business name that you can use right away. Make sure if you use the idea of a family member or friend that you honor their idea as intellectual property. Make sure they will be ok currently and in the future with their idea being used as your business name. Since relationships change, you might want to get it in writing just to be safe. Creative business names are something that people can easily remember and will associate with your brand for many years to come. So take your time and find the creative business name that is suitable for your business needs, which will be different depending on whether you are selling a service or a product. You can sometimes be a bit more creative if you’re selling a product. Whatever the case you want your business name to propel your company forward.

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2 thoughts on “Are You Trying To Come Up With A Creative Business Name?”

  1. A very professional looking business card is really very important in promoting your business. It makes good impression among customers.;'”

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  2. A very professional looking business card is really very important in promoting your business. It makes good impression among customers.”.*

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