What I Like About My Brown Leather Desk Pad

I just purchased a brown leather desk pad for use in my office, and it is totally awesome. I’m still getting used to it, but there are plenty of things that I like about it, and I’m sure there are some other things that I’ll like that I haven’t discovered yet. This article will be all about the different things that I like about my brown leather desk pad.


For starters, I have a brand new compact glass computer desk, and I am scared to death that all of the things that are placed on it every day are going to scratch it up eventually. My leather desk pad serves as a buffer between all of these items and the surface of my desk. Everything now sits on it, rather than on the desk, helping to protect the desk from scratches, scrapes, and chips.

A desk in an office.
Image via Wikipedia

Another thing that I like about it is simply the air of sophistication about it. When it sits on my desk, it makes me appear to be more important than I really am. When people see my brown leather desk pad, with its elegant padded panels complete with gold-foil embossing, they see that I take my job and my position very seriously. It might even put me in line for a promotion someday.


In addition to its appearance, and its ability to protect my desk surface from everyday abuse, I also like the other uses that it offers. For instance, this pad has a big space in the middle where I can put a big office calender that I can write on. It has fold-out wings, where I can store things like business cards and Post-It notes, keeping the contact information for all of my colleagues right at my fingertips. It helps to convert my desk into a virtual bulletin board, with all of the vital information of the day right in front of me.

These are just a few of the things that I love about my brown leather desk pad. Hopefully, as time goes by, I’ll discover some more things that I’ll like tremendously. If you spend a lot of time in the office, you should consider buying one.

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